Get your voice heard! Guide for individuals for taking part in the detention inquiry

Are you in detention now?  Or were you in detention?

The parliamentary panel wants to hear from you so that they understand what it is like to be detained and think what needs to change.

The Detention Forum is encourage all individuals who have direct experience of detention to consider taking part in this parliamentary inquiry into detention.  More information about the inquiry is available at

To help you get going, we produced a guide.  We are sorry that it is a very long document but we wanted to cover all the issues that we think you need to be careful about.

The guide is here FINAL Detention Inquiry Guide for Individuals August 2014

We also created a sample submission form.  This is not an official form (because there aren’t any!) but we hope you find it useful.

SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM the detention forum August 2014

Good luck and if you have questions, feel free to email us at detentionforum(at)