Bristol Immigration Detention Campaign has been busy…

1 May 2015
People in Bristol have been busy organising themselves to start their immigration detention campaign.  Here’s a short note from Rissa who co-ordinates the campaign.  We have heard that, since then, they have sent out a joint letter to local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates asking if they would work towards implementing the key recommendation of the Detention Inquiry report – that there should be a time limit of 28 days on immigration detentions – and started planning for the post election activities.  We send them our best wishes.
Tuesday 14th April 2015, we launched Bristol Immigration Detention Campaign.
Representatives from Refugee Services, Red Cross, Legal, Medical, Trade Unions, Faith Groups. Community Organistatons, Councillors, City of Sanctuary and media and independent campaigners pledged to add to ending of indefinite of immigrants and ensure that recommendations from the Report of the Inquiry into the use of Immigration Detention in the UK are implemented.
Rev Phil Nott  who has joined our Campaign, placed a question on indefinite detention the at a hostings on Thursday 16th April.  All four candidates, Labour, Green, Consertative and Lib Dem were unified in there commitment  to supporting our Campaign, followed with a round of applause from the audience.  This was captured on two radio stations.
So moving forward, an Open Letter now to Bristol City and beyond.
Rissa Mohabir, Coordinator Bristol Immigration Detention Campaign