Unlocking Detention 2015 starts on 21 September 2015!

Unlocking Detention 2015 starts on 21 September 2015!

Last year, the Detention Forum launched its flagship Unlocking Detention tour – it is a virtual tour of all the immigration detention centres in the UK.

And this year’s hashtag is #unlocked15 (and apologies to others who are using the same hashtag!)

Unlocking Detention Icon

We are very excited to resume the tour again on 21st September, and our aim is bringing these detention centres a little closer to people who have never been to or visited them.

The tour will visit each centre for a week over Twitter. We will also have a website gathering our blogs and photos. You can visit our website from last year to find out more about what it was like (you need to scroll down a bit.  You can also find the blogs from last year here).

This year, we want to take a slightly different angle and open up the conversation to the question of ‘How does detention affect your communities?’

Last year’s Unlocking Detention coincided with the first-ever parliamentary detention inquiry. As our members and colleagues gathered evidence to submit to the inquiry panel up and down the country, it became increasingly obvious that detention does not stop at the gate of the detention centres. It affects many communities.

evidence session 15 Sep 2014

London community evidence session – September 2014

The detention inquiry delivered a verdict that the UK detains far too many people far too long, and that detention cannot go on like this. Now is the time to push for a change, and for more people to be part of the movement.

As well as our some of our members, Right to Remain and Detention Action are helping to shape this tour and encouraging as many people as possible to take part.

Read their blogs here and here, and we hope you will be joining the tour!

If you have any suggestions on how you want to take part, get in touch at detentionforum(at)gmail.com.

The Detention Forum team

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