What your MP needs to know about the Parliamentary debate on immigration detention – briefing paper

The Detention Forum has prepared a briefing paper for the 10 September parliamentary debate on detention, which you can use to lobby your local MP and encourage him/her to attend the debate on 10th September.

It also helps you to prepare for your meeting with your MP, because it explains some key issues relevant to the debate.

However, the paper only gives background and general information.   Whenever you can, try to bring local information to the attention of your MP – are there groups working with people who are / were in detention?  Or are you an individual with experience of immigration detention and you can share that with your MP?  Read our previous blog here before you contact your MP.

The paper includes the following information.

  1. Background to the debate and the government response so far
  2. The Parliamentary Inquiry into the Use of Immigration Detention in the UK
  3. Latest detention statistics – record high number of people detained
  4. The Review into the Welfare in Detention of Vulnerable Persons (Shaw Review)
  5. Independent Review of Serco’s work at Yarl’s Wood by Kate Lampard CBE
  6. Proposed abolishment of bail addresses
  7. Looking ahead: the need for systemic change and not “tinkering”
  8. Case study

We will be amending 3. Latest detention statistics in early part of September – we know that the next set of statistics will be made available on 28 August.

If you have any good feedback from your MP or need advice and help, please do get in touch with us at detentionforum(at)gmail.com or Jon at Jonathan.Featonby(at)refugeecouncil.org.uk

The Detention Forum team