Bristol Immigration Detention Campaign has just started!

15 April 2015

On a hot sunny evening yesterday, the Detention Forum met with over 35 people representing different groups and organisations in Bristol who gathered to plan the Bristol Immigration Detention Campaign. We were also joined by Dr Melanie Griffiths, a long-term activist and an academic at Bristol University.

We shared our experience and learning from our collaborative detention advocacy work over the last six years (both good and bad!), so that they can consider how they plan to work together.

There was clearly an enormous interest in building on the findings on the Parliamentary Inquiry into Immigration Detention. Everyone present was keen to make sure that the inquiry panel’s recommendations, particularly that there must be a 28 day maximum time limit on immigration detention, are implemented by the new incoming Government.

The participants discussed concrete steps they wish to take before the General Election and beyond. We wish them best of luck and look forward to hearing more about their plan!

The Detention Forum team