Co-ordination Group

Members of the Co-ordination Group lead the Detention Forum’s parliamentary, policy and communications/campaigning work, and together with Project Director, shape its strategic direction.  

The members are

Ali McGinley, AVID

Ben du Preeze, Detention Action

Bill MacKeith, Campaign to Close Campsfield

Eiri Ohtani, Project Director

Jerome Phelps, Detention Action

Jon Featonby, The Refugee Council

Lisa Matthews, Right to Remain

Liz Peretz, Barbed Wire Britain

Maurice Wren, The Refugee Council

Nic Eadie, Gatwick Detainee Welfare Group

Paul Dillane, UKLGIG

Sam Grant, Rene Cassin

The Judicial Oversight Working Group is convened by Bill MacKeith (Campaign to Close Campsfield) and Sheila Mosley (Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network)


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