Our briefing papers

Here are some of our briefing papers. 

Briefing Paper: Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom – September 2017 – Download it here

Briefing Paper: Why UK must end its practice of indefinite detention – May 2017 – Download it here 

Briefing Paper: Opportunities for alternatives to detention – January 2017 – Download it here

Briefing Paper: Immigration Bill, Government Amendment to Lords Amendment 84 – April 2016 – Download it here. (Please note that the content of this briefing continues to be relevant when the Bill returns to the Commons on 9th May 2016)

Briefing Paper: Immigration  Bill,  Consideration  of  Lords   Amendments,  House  of Commons25  April  2016
Download it here.

Briefing Paper: The Immigration Bill, Committee Stage in the House of Lords – January 2016 – Download it here.

Briefing Paper: The Immigration Bill, Second Reading in the House of Lords – 22 December 2015 –  Download it here

Briefing Paper: The Immigration Bill report stage in the House of Commons – 1 December 2015 – Download it here

Briefing Paper: The Immigration Bill 2015 and immigration detention: Briefing – Second Reading – October 2015 – Download it here.

Briefing Paper: Parliamentary Debate Report of the Inquiry into the Use of Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom – 10 September 2015 – Download it here.

Briefing Paper: Lords Debate Report of the Inquiry into the Use of Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom – March 2015  – Download it here.

Briefing Paper: Call for a Moratorium on the Detention Expansion – November 2014 (This briefing paper was prepared when the government announced a plan to more than double the size of Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre in Oxfordshire. The plan was dropped after opposition was raised both at local and national level.) – Download it here.


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