Take part in the Detention Inquiry – here’s our guide

A guide for groups for taking part in the Detention Inquiry

The Detention Forum is encouraging its members and others to make submissions to the detention inquiry and will try to engage parliamentarians and others during the inquiry.

We are therefore making two guides, a guide for groups and a guide for individuals (i.e. people who are in detention or who have experience of detention).  

We have just finished making the first guide for groups.  if your group is thinking about ‘doing something’, you might find it useful.  You can download the guide here

These guides are available to everyone who needs it in the hope that more people, particularly those people with direct experience of detention, feel confident about making their voices heard.   However, this does not mean that we are the experts! So please bear in mind that the information contained in these guides are only suggestions. Perhaps you have a better idea – if so, let us know.

The second guide, the guide for individuals, is going to be made available soon too. 

Some of our members are looking for partners to host local ‘hearings’ together.  Others are willing to travel to your hearing to provide practical help.   

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at detentionforum@gmail.com