Indefinite Detention

The UK should introduce a time limit of 28 days for immigration detention. Detention must always be the last resort and for the shortest time, in practice as well as in theory.

Indefinite detention in the UK

The UK routinely detains people indefinitely. This has huge political, financial and human costs.

Britain has a long tradition of legal protection for civil liberties. This tradition is undermined every day that migrants are detained without time limit. Many people experience long-term damage to their physical and mental health. Their families also experience the distress of separation. Detention without time limit damages the UK’s international reputation for defending human rights.

The UK is unique in Europe in having no time limit and routinely detaining migrants for years.  It has opted out of the EU Returns Directive, which sets a maximum time limit of 18 months.  France limits detention to a maximum of 45 days.

There are alternatives

Alternatives to detention are cheaper, more effective and avoid the harm of detention.  States that have tried working with migrants in the community to resolve their cases have found that most comply with immigration requirements, for a fraction of the cost of detention.

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