

Image: Detention Action
Image: Detention Action

The Detention Forum has been campaigning to end indefinite detention of migrants.  Get involved and speak out against indefinite detention – by using your smartphone.

It’s very simple.  Just tweet us a selfie of you holding up the #Time4aTimeLimit card (click the link or on the image above and you can print off the message).

Take a picture of yourself holding it, and tweet the image to @DetentionForum along with the hashtag #Time4aTimeLimit  We will retweet the image to share it with thousands of others.  Easy peasy!

While you are at it, help us spread the word by supporting those who are tweeting with the hashtag #Time4aTimeLimit  Thanks for your support!

20 February 2015 – Successful #Time4aTimeLimit Strategy Day!


On 20 Feb 2015, over 50 groups across the UK attended #Time4aTimeLimit Strategy Day hosted by The Detention Forum. Our members and other groups campaigning to end indefinite detention of migrants in the UK networked, shared intelligence and good practice to make #Time4aTimeLimit reality.

One of our members, Right to Remain, wrote this great piece summarising what happened on our Strategy Day.  Another member, Rene Cassin, did this Storify for us, which captures the tweets on the day – thank you to both!

It’s #Time4aTimeLimit

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