Other Reports

Fordham Michael QC, Stefanelli N. Justine and Sohie Eser (2013) Immigration Detention and the Rule of Law. Safeguarding Principles. Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

Drawing on own intense research members of Detention Forum produced a number of reports and briefings on detention and detention related issues.

An overview of UK Immigration Detention:

Detention Action (2014) The State of Detention. Immigration detention in the UK in 2014

The use of prisons for immigration detention

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) (2014): Denial of Justice: the Hidden use of UK prisons for immigration detention.

Detained Fast Track

Detention Action (2013) Detained Fast Track- a short briefing paper.

Detention Action (2011) Fast Track to Despair: the unnecessary detention of asylum seekers.

Mental health in detention

BID and AVID (2012): Positive duty of care? The mental health crisis in immigration detention

Legal representation in detention

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) (2014) Summary: Survey of levels of legal representation for immigration detainees across the UK detention estate (Surveys 1-8) July 2014

Women in detention

Women for Refugee Women (2015): I Am Human. Refugee Women Experiences of Detention in the UK.

Women for Refugee Women (2014): Detained: Women Asylum Seekers locked up in the UK

Children and detention

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) (2013) Fractured Childhoods: The separation of families by immigration detention


Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) (2014):
No place to go: delays in the Home Office provision of S4(1) (c) bail accommodation.

Bail Observation Project (2013): Still a travesty. Justice in Immigration Bail Hearings. Second Report from the Bail Observation Project.

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) (2012): The liberty deficit: long-term detention & bail decision-making. A study of immigration bail hearings in the First Tier Tribunal

Bail Observation Project (2011): Immigration Bail Hearings: A travesty of Justice? Observations from the public gallery.

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