Detention Inquiry

3 March 2015

The detention inquiry panel published its report.  You can find the report here.

There has been an extensive media coverage of the report.

7 July 2014

The first ever Parliamentary inquiry into detention has been launched today on 7th July 2014.

The inquiry is jointly led by the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Refugees and Migration, and marks the first dedicated Parliamentary inquiry into the impact and implications of the use of immigration detention.  The deadline for submissions is 1st October 2014. More information about the inquiry is available at

The first oral evidence session took place on 17th July 2014. You can read the transcript here.

You can read a short article about the inquiry which appeared in the Independent on Sunday here.

The Detention Forum’s article about the inquiry appeared in openDemocracy on 7th July 2014.

Other pieces published about the inquiry are as below.

Church Times

Detention Action

The Refugee Council

The Detention Forum welcomes this inquiry and encourages people who are in detention and who have experienced detention or supported them to take part in the inquiry.

We have produced the guide for community groups who might need assistance in taking part in the inquiry and who are interested in hosting local ‘hearings’ to gather evidence for submission.  We also have a separate guide for individuals, who are in detention or who were in detention and wish to take part in the inquiry.  You can also use a sample submission form if you wish. If you would like more information, please contact us at or @DetentionForum

FINAL Detention Inquiry Guide for Groups July 2014

FINAL Detention Inquiry Guide for Individuals August 2014

SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM the detention forum August 2014


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