Detention in the Media: Europe/General relevant to UK

12/2/2016  New Greek law to include detention regime in hotspots – ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles)

12/2/2016  Red Cross says offshore processing inadequate to solve access crisis in Red Cross EU published study, Europe in Crisis: facilitating access to protection, (discarding) offshore processing and mapping alternatives to the way forward (references to detention in the Red Cross report) – ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles)

11/2/2016  Greece/Macedonia: Asylum Seekers Trapped at Border: People remain at risk of detention and deportation as irregular migrants. Those who apply for asylum after they are detained can be held for up to six months, without proper consideration of alternatives and of whether their detention is necessary or proportionate. – Human Rights Watch

11/2/2016  Alternatives to Detention at a Crossroads: Humanisation or Criminalisation in Europe – Kisa

11/2/2016  Europe’s watchdog: Migrant crisis threatens Balkan stability (and casts doubt on EU plans to return asylum seekers to Greece and possibly place them in detention centres) – EU Observer

11/2/2016  The Forgotten Children – 1 year on – Australian Human Rights Commission

10/2/2016  EU Commission reporting on the implementation of the priority actions under the European Agenda for Migration and highlighting key areas where immediate action is needed to restore control (references to detention in the full report) – EU Commission

10/2/2016  ‘Modern Day Slavery’:Policymakers and modern-day abolitionists have co-opted trafficking and slavery discourse for illiberal ends (references to immigration detention) – Open Democracy

10/2/2016  Serco, British outsourcing company, has entered the race for a £1bn contract to run offshore immigration detention centres for the Australian government – Financial Times

8/2/2016  Fear and Loathing of Refugees in Europe: Reference to proposals to virtually seal the Greece-Macedonia border, with Belgium advocating massive detention centers on the Greek side – The World Post

8/2/2016  Children are not little adults. The trauma of living in detention could last forever – The Guardian

6/2/2016  ‘Detention & removal’ centers needed to control refugee flows – EU migration chief – RT (Russia Today)

5/2/2016  EUROPE IN CRISIS: Facilitating Access to Protection, (Discarding) Offshore Processing and Mapping Alternatives for the Way Forward (References to Detention) – EU Red Cross

4/2/2016  UN Committee on the Rights og the Child experts issue findings on France (many references to immigration detention in attached reports including ‘concluding observations’) – UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

3/2/2016  Europe: protect refugees, a collective responsibility – Jesuit Refugee Service

3/2/3016  The health and well-being of children in immigration detention – Australian Human Rights Commission Report – also reported:  ‘There’s no hope, there’s nothing’: drawings by children in immigration detention (Australia) – video – The Guardian – and by: ABC News (3 Feb), ANC News (4 Feb),

1/2/2016  UN Human Rights experts (UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT))urge Cyprus to address migrant detention conditions, improve overall monitoring – UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

1/2/2016  Detention and Deportation News – Rights in Exile

1/2/2016  UN experts urge Cyprus to address migrant detention conditions, improve overall monitoring – UN News Centre, also coverage by: All Africa (1 Feb), The Jurist (2 Feb),

February 2016  From TORTURE to DETENTION: Report on the detention of torture victim and traumatized asylum-seekers in Hungary and Bulgaria – Cordelia Foundation

February 2016  Global Detention Project has provided Submissions to the UN Human Rights Committee – Global Detention Project

31/1/2016  Boston College Faculty Publish New Writings on Immigration Policy and Reform (including Immigration Detention in USA) – The Heights

30/1/2016  Hundreds demand closure of Barcelona immigrant detention centre – Whatsup Europe

30/1/2016 More than 1,000 protesters marched Saturday to the overcrowded prison-like migrant detention center in the Spanish city of Barcelona calling on authorities to dismantle the facility – Mail Online/Associated Press

29/1/2016  ECRE strongly opposes legitimising push backs by declaring turkey a safe third country (references to detention) – ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles)

28/1/2016  Human Rights Watch World Report 2016: Annual review of human rights around the globe (Many references to Detention – Including Thematic Essay: Children Behind Bars -The Global Overuse of Detention of Children) – Human Rights Watch

28/1/2016  In a presentation to the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner, in January 2016 the Institute of Race Relations provides evidence of the continued assault on human rights inherent within recent developments in asylum and migration law and policy – Institute of Race Relations

28/12016  EU/Greece: Share Responsibility for Asylum Seekers (reference to Detention) – Human Rights Watch

28/1/2016  Book Review: Rights, Deportation, and Detention in the Age of Immigration Control – University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, Border Criminologies

28/1/2016  Interview with Mme Doris Fiala (Switzerland, ALDE) on the occasion of the hearing on ‘The negative effects of immigration detention of children’ which took place on the margins of the Assembly’s January 2016 plenary session in Strasbourg – Council Of Europe

28/1/2016  Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), noting that no foreign victims of trafficking have been identified in Bulgaria, urges the authorities to pay increased attention to detecting trafficking victims among persons placed in immigration detention centres – Focus Information Agency

28/1/2016  ECHR: lack of judicial review on refugees’ detention ‘illegal’: Two asylum seekers were awarded €6,000 each in damages after being denied the right to challenge their detention – Malta Today

28/1/2016  Dutch plan for EU ‘refugee swap’ with Turkey is morally bankrupt: many herded onto buses and transported more than 1,000 kilometres to isolated detention centres – Amnesty International

27/1/2016  ‘I was there.’ Iby Knill – Holocaust Memorial Day

26/1/2016  The Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Europe: Eastern Mediterranean and Western Balkans route (References to Detention) – UNHCR

24/1/2016  Czech Republic’s president has heavily criticized the EU’s failure to deal with a record number of migrants crossing its borders (reference to detention) – Russia Today (RT)

22/1/2016  Migration, Asylum and Refugees in Germany: Understanding the Data (Reference to Detention) – IOM

22/1/2016  European Court of Human Rights finds Greek detention unlawful – and detention conditions in Greece in breach of Article 3 ECHR (H.A. v. Greece) – ECRE/ELENA

22/1/2016  Turkey is doing the dirty work of Europe’s immigration control

20/1/2016  Bulgaria: Pushbacks, Abuse at Borders (Including Detention) – Human Rights Watch

18/1/2016  Immigration detainees four times more likely to suffer severe mental distress – The Guardian (Australia)

17/1/2016  Child detainee mental trauma will last, immigration healthcare provider warns – The Guardian (Australia)

15/1/2016  France: NGOs concerned over increasing detention of children – ECRE/ELENA

15/1/2016  The Netherlands: Hague District Court urgent preliminary reference on detention, recast Reception Conditions Directive, and the EU Charter – ECRE/ELENA

14/1/2016  Turkey – Less Reception, More Detention, following EU-Turkey Action Plan – ECRE/ELENA

14/1/2016   Updated AIDA report on Sweden: proposed reforms to the asylum system in Sweden draconian (Many references to detention in Report) – ECRE/ELENA

14/1/2016  Committee on the Rights of the Child considers report of France (references to administrative immigration detention) – UN Human Rights – Office of the High Commissioner

13/1/2016  Risk of human rights violations for asylum seekers returned to Hungary – Council of Europe, Commissioner for Human Rights

12/1/2016  France: NGOs concerned over increasing detention of children  – AIDA Asylum Information Database

11/1/2016  Closed facility for minors on Lesbos in Greece does indeed resembles a detention centre – How UNHCR helps – UNHCR

11/1/2016  DVD Review – Shelter (2014) – Flickering Myth

8/1/2016  Ireland: Harsher detention measures are also now available in the International Protection Act 2015 – ECRE/ELENA

8/1/2016  Italy: Decree introduced an accelerated procedure for the first time, applicable to asylum claims made from administrative detention centres – ECRE/ELENA

8/1/2016  Malta’s New Migration Strategy Ends Automatic Detention – ECRE/ELENA

8/1/2016  Western Balkan News Brief (References Detention) – ECRE

8/1/2016  Report on Accessing Protection in Austria (Many references to detention) – ECRE

7/1/2016  EU unhappy with Turkish efforts so far to curb migrant inflow –

7/1/2016  Overview of practices in European countries in Relation to Age Assessment of Minors and Detention – ECRE/ELENA


5/1/2016  NGO Monitoring of Immigration Detention: Tips, Examples and Positive Practices – International Detention Coalition

3/1/2016  “New migration strategy is a step in right direction – NGOs” – Times of Malta

Jan 2016  Monitoring Immigration Detention – Quarterly Report September – December 2015 – European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM)

Jan 2016  “The Council of Europe Parliamentary Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children (New-Year’s greetings from Doris Fiala, the General Rapporteur for the Campaign )” – Council of Europe

31/12/2015  “Automatic detention of asylum seekers to end Migration strategy proposes new initial reception facility” – Times of Malta

31/12/2015  “Council of Europe campaign for member states to end immigration detention of children and use of alternatives to detention” – Council of Europe

30/12/2015  “Greek government to change immigration policy under pressure by the EU to re-open Detention facilities closed due to inhumane conditions” –  Greek Reporter

27/12/2015  “Stateless in Europe: ‘We are no people with no nation’ – (and the fear of Immigration Detention)” – The Guardian

20/12/2015  “Latin American implications for immigrant detention in Europe: comparing Celaj and Vélez Loor” – EU Law Analysis

19/12/2015  “800 protestors in Madrid demand Spanish government and EU open its borders for incoming refugees, disband the EU’s border control authority Frontex, close immigration detention centers and to stop making bilateral agreements with neighboring Morocco and Turkey who were “not respecting human rights.”” – RT

18/12/2016  Migrant, refugee, or human? The unsettled issue of human rights in Europe (References to Detention) – Oxford University Press Blog

18/12/2015  “PACE calls for better regulation and monitoring of immigration detention, as Assembly members and their colleagues made co-ordinated visits to immigration detention centres in countries across the Council of Europe to mark International Migrants Day” – Council of Europe

18/12/2015  “Quarterly update from the IDC Director” – IDC

18/12/2015  “UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner Issues Statement Marking International Migrants’ Day (refers to detention)” – UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner

18/12/2015  “UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner Issues Statement Marking International Migrants’ Day (refers to detention)” – Talk Migrant Rights

18/12/2015  “The Council of Europe Parliamentary Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children (International Migrants Day)” – Council of Europe

18/12/2015  “End Child Detention: COE Parliamentary Campaign” – Talk Migrant Rights

17/12/2015  “This International Migrant Rights Day, December 18, the IDC moderated a free, online webinar about “Migration-tackling the challenges of border control and human rights”.” – IDC

17/12/2015  “Video message from Doris Fiala, General Rapporteur on ending immigration detention of children” – Council of Europe


16/12/2015  “Turkey: EU risks complicity in violations as refugees and asylum-seekers locked up and deported” – Amnesty International

16/12/2015  “Turkey: EU risks being complicit in detention, beatings and deportation of Syrian refugees – New report” – Amnesty International UK

16/12/2015  “The Turkish government has been rounding up refugees and transporting them to detention centers where they are abused and mistreated, according to Amnesty International. From there, many are deported back to “warzones” in Iraq and Syria.” – RT

16/12/2015  “International Migrants Day: PACE members to visit detention centres in Member States” – Council of Europe

16/12/2015  “Speech by Commissioner D. Avramopoulos at the European Parliament Plenary session on the detention and use of force against asylum-seekers” – European Commission

14/12/2015  “Priority for Alternatives to Detention:UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment” – Talk Migrant Rights

14/12/2015  “Speculation mounta that Greek authorities will reopen a highly criticized detention facility at Amygdaleza, north of Athens” – Ekathimerini

11/12/2015  “Speech by Commissioner Avramopoulos at the Constitutional Affairs and European Affairs Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate of the Italian Parliament (referencing need for more detention centres in EU)” – European Commission

10/12/2015  “Ending Immigration Detention of Children for International Human Rights Day” – IDC

9/12/2015  “Grant Mitchell, Director of the International Detention Coalition, calls for alternatives to detention” – YouTube – Talk Migrant Rights

9/12/2015  “Returning to my own country – New Information for Migrants from European Commission – Immigration Portal” – European Commission

7/12/2015  “Empty the Jungle”: Are French detention centres abusing migrants’ human rights?” – New Statesman

4/12/2015  “Sub-fund on Immigration Detention” – European Programme for Integration and Migration

4/12/2015  “France’s prisons watchdog condemned the government for locking up migrants in a bid to clear the notorious camp known as ‘the Jungle’” – Daily Mail

4/12/2015 “ECRE Weekly Bulletin speaks to Chris Nash, Director of the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) about the main challenges affecting stateless people in Europe, including arbitrary detention” – ECRE

4/12/2015  “EU-Turkey Deal poses serious threat to refugees and migrants including increased detention”  – ECRE

3/12/2015  “Watchdog Slams France for Sending Migrants to Detention Centers to ‘Unclog’ Calais” – VICE News

3/12/2015  “HRW Says Refugees ‘Treated Like Criminals’ In Hungarian Detention Center” – Newsweek

3/12/2015  “Young man in a wheelchair locked up in an immigration detention center in Hungary – Animals are treated better” – Human Rights Watch

2/12/2015  “Europe must stop locking up thousands of stateless people: ENS” – Daily Times

2/12/2015  “Detain refugees arriving in Europe for 18 months, says Tusk” – The Guardian

1/12/2015  “Greece and Turkey – Countries at Immigration Detention Crossroads” – International Detention Coalition

1/12/2015  “Hungary: Locked Up for Seeking Asylum – Long Detention, Poor Conditions, Little Help for Vulnerable People” – Human Rights Watch

1/12/2015  “Europe must stop locking up thousands of stateless people: U.N.” – Today

30/11/2015  “It’s time to take action to protect stateless persons from arbitrary detention” – European Network on Statelessness

30/11/2015  “Why Migration Should Be Central to Paris COP21 Climate Talks and immigration detention centers are massive environmental and health hazards” – telesur

27/11/2015  “Weekly Legal Update – Cases on Detention in Europe” – ELENA

27/11/2015  “AIDA Update Greece: asylum system suffers from persisting deficiencies in procedures and reception conditions leading to wrong use of detention” – AIDA

27/11/2015  “The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) releases new handbook to protect and promote children’s rights in Europe including detention as last resort” – ECRE

27/11/2015  “The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Malta breached the human rights of a Somali national, detained for over eight months for immigration purposes” – ECRE

24/11/2015  “AIDA Update The Netherlands: Introduction of an official border procedure does little to prevent systematic detention at the border” – AIDA

24/11/2015  “AIDA Update Germany: lower rights for asylum seekers from “safe countries of origin”, Dublin for all – But low risk of Detention” – AIDA

20/11/2015  “Secretary-General’s message on Universal Children’s Day – call for alternatives to detention for children” – UN

19/11/2015  “International Day of the Child: Supporting Real Solutions to End Child Detention” – International Detention Coalition

17/11/2015  “Statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council on Foreign Relations, calling on the world’s States to reform their systems of migration to place the interests of suffering women, men and children at the forefront” – UN Office at Geneva

16/11/2015  New UN Report on Libya: “Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, particularly from sub-Saharan Africa, were increasingly vulnerable to killing, inhumane detention, torture, kidnapping and exploitation” – UN News Centre

16/11/2015  “A new U.N. report says migrants held in Libyan detention centers have reported abuses including whippings with metal rods and cables, racial insults, overcrowding and a lack of potable water.” – Hawaii News Now/Associated Press

16/11/2015  “The Latest: UN: Refugees face ‘torture’ in Libyan detention” – The Washington Post/Associated Press

16/11/2015  “A new report from the European Network on Statelessness on the use of detention of stateless persons in Malta” – Migrants’ Rights Network

12/11/2015 “A childhood regained on Kos – New UNHCR facilities providing alternative to detention for children arriving on Kos” – UNHCR News

12/11/2015 “Migrant crisis: Refugees being detained in Hungary prisons” – BBC News

12/11/2015 “‘Failure of refugee and migration governance is fatal,’ deputy UN chief tells summit in Malta, unnecessary and unlawful detention must end” – UN News

11/11/2015 “Ban calls on world leaders to shun xenophobia and open their hearts to refugee influx in Paris newspaper Le Figaro – He warned that sealing borders, criminalization and detention will not resolve any problems” – UN News

11/11/2015 “The EU and its neighbours: enforcing the politics of inhospitality” – Open Democracy

10/11/2015  “EU mulls Balkan migrant processing centers to ‘avoid catastrophe’” – RT

10/11/2015 “Forgetting the Good: Moral Contradictions in the Response to Mass Migration in Europe – Including trends in increasing use of Immigration Detention” – ABC (Australia)

10/11/2015 “EU-Africa Summit in Valletta must not dress up border control as ‘co-operation’ – risking arbitrary detention of refugees and migrants” – Amnesty International

8/11/2015 “Impressions from a Czech refugee detention centre” – Open Democracy

6/11/2015 FRENCH police arrested 600 migrants during two weeks of raids on Calais jungle, but 99% released within just FIVE DAYS – Express

6/11/2015 “Not in my back yard: a shameful response to human tragedy” – Amnesty International UK

5/11/2015 “First regional launch of the IDC Handbook There Are Alternatives, took place at a side event at the 57th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)” – International Detention Coalition

5/11/2015 “Huge crackdown on illegal immigration, ordered by officials in Paris a fortnight ago: French police do not have the powers to detain or deport refugees so many have been held in detention centres for a matter of hours before being set free and returning to Calais” – The Express (UK)

2/11/2015 “Immigration detention in Europe” – Mary Bosworth in Eutopia Ideas for Europe Magazine

1/11/2015 “Detention and Deportation News” – Rights in Exile

30/10/2015 “Walking into an immigration detention center, the cruelty of Hungary’s new border regime hit us” – Human Rights Watch

29/10/2015 “Book review: Immigration detention: the migration of a policy and its human impact edited by Amy Nethery and Stephanie J. Silverman” – LSE (London School of Economics)

29/10/2015 “What Are ‘Hotspots’? The Inevitable Rise of Detention in the Quest for Asylum Solutions in the EU” – ISN Zurich/Centre for International Policy Studies

23/10/2015 “UN refugee agency appeals for protection against sexual abuse of women and children on move in Europe and asked authorities, as a matter of urgency, to find alternatives to the detention of children” – UN News

22/10/2015 “UN human rights chief urges Czech Republic to halt detention of migrants and refugees” – UN News

22/10/2015 “U.N. criticizes Czech detentions and strip-searches of refugees” – Reuters

22/10/2015 “The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) held a Roundtable on alternatives to immigration detention of children as part of their ongoing campaign to end immigration detention of children” – International Detention Coalition

21/10/2015 “The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) governing Executive Committee (ExCom) met in Geneva highlighting the importance of limiting the use of detention and the roll-out of the UNHCR’s Global Detention Strategy (GDS)” – International Detention Coalition

20/10/2015 “EU Action Plan on Return and the ‘Return Handbook’ – opportunity for changing detention practice or risk of detention overuse?” – International Detention Coalition

17/10/2015 “Turkey: Merkel must ensure rights of refugees not cut out of EU-Turkey deal – including detention” – Amnesty International

October 2015 “Migrant crisis: EU plans to lock up more failed asylum seekers” – Financial Times (UK)