

Unlocking Detention – Virtual tour of the UK detention estate

#unlocked17, @DetentionForum and www.unlocked.org.uk 

You are cordially invited to the tour of the UK detention estate – on social media!  Unlocking Detention is the Detention Forum’s flagship annual social media project.  This year, we will start our tour on 16 October which will end on 22 December 2017.

Guided by the members of the Detention Forum and others, Unlocking Detention will be visiting all detention centres in the UK.  These centres are geographically and physically hard to access, and few people have been inside them. In those hidden centres and prisons, people are detained without a time limit, for months, sometimes even years.

The tour will ‘unlock’ the gates of these places of detention so that we can take a hard look at them.

If you have direct experience of detention, are supporting or working with people in detention or have anything you want to say about detention,would you like to consider writing a blog for Unlocking Detention?  Please contact us at detentionforum(at)gmail.com to let us know your ideas.  We are also looking for tour ‘guides’ who will act as our ambassadors – if you are interested, get in touch.

The Detention Forum team


The green log is from Unlocking Detention 2016.

This orange logo is from Unlocking Detention 2015.


See below for our first logo from the 2014 tour.

Unlocking Detention Web Banner - Twitter Tour of the UK Detention Estate, 14 September - 20 December 2014


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