Detention Inquiry Report Media Coverage and Responses

Media coverage

MPs call for end to indefinite detention of migrants The Guardian

Migrant detention: Souleymanye’s story  The Guardian

Immigration centres: Act now to overhaul Britain’s ‘shocking’ detention of migrants indefinitely and in appalling conditions, say MPs The Independent

MPs call for immigration detention cap  BBC News

Asylum seekers detained at Dungavel for more than a year   BBC News Scotland

Cap immigration detention at 28 days, say MPs  Channel 4 News Online

Damning parliamentary report threatens to blow doors off detention regime

Scotland 2015   BBC Scotland

Samphire in Dover welcomes inquiry which says immigration detention should be capped Kent Online featuring our member Samphire

BBC Radio Kent Dominic King  Interview with Samphire (at 1 hour 55 min, available until end of March 2015)

Jewish human rights group welcomes report on detention of asylum seekers Jewish News Online featuring our member René Cassin

UK criticised over treatment of migrants Al Jazeera film clip on the detention inquiry report

Time for a Time Limit – Parliamentarians call for 28 day maximum time limit on immigration detention  Independent Catholic News

MPs attack ‘shocking’ treatment of migrants  The Tablet

Urgent question about Yarl’s Wood due to be asked in Parliament following shocking undercover filming report   Bedford Today

‘What crime have I committed to be held like this?’: inside Yarl’s Wood   The Guardian

Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants being held at Scots detention centre for more than a year  Daily Record, Scotland (note – we do not endorse the use of the phrase “illegal immigrants”)

Theresa May ‘allowed state-sanctioned abuse of women’ at Yarl’s Wood  The Guardian

The UK Asylum System Is Officially Terrible   Vice

Befriending group welcomes recommendations in report on immigration detention centres  Bedford Today

UN backs proposal to limit immigration detention in the UK   Sputnik

Bishop calls for ‘humane’ UK immigration policies  Catholic Herald

BBC Scotland’s coverage   BBC Scotland, starts at 3:50

MPs: LGBT asylum seekers face ‘bullying’ and ‘abuse’ in British detention centres  Pink News

Locking up immigrants diminishes us all  The Guardian

Spending years in detention as a migrant to the UK  BBC Africa

Yarl’s Wood Guard Suspended After Secret Film   Sky News

UK detention report calls for “radical shift”   IRIN News

How getting tough on asylum seekers cost the taxpayer millions

UK immigration detention: the truth is out   openDemocracy

Second suspension at Yarl’s Wood  Mail Online

Call for immigration detention cap  Mail Online

MPs call for introduction of 28-day immigration detention cap  ITV News

‘I felt nobody was safe’ at detention centre, says former Yarl’s Wood detainee  ITV News

Sheffield MP voices concerns over immigration detention  The Star (Sheffield)

Abuse, threats and physical violence… the scandal of Britain’s immigration removal system  Christian Today

MPs call for ‘complete overhaul’ of UK’s immigration detention system as undercover footage reveals shocking attitudes of some Yarls Wood staff  Bedfordshire News

The detention scandal: time for a change  Christian Today

Yarl’s Wood: Second worker suspended after abuse allegations   BBC News Beds, Herts & Bucks

‘Expensive, ineffective & unjust’: MPs urge end to indefinite migrant detention    Russia Today

‘I just wanted to die’: Asylum seeker detained at Yarl’s Wood speaks to RT   Russia Today

Immigration stories horrify parliamentary group  Church Times

Humza Yousaf: Only SNP have economic strategy to rival ‘bleak futures’ from Westminster  Daily Record

Scotland slams UK treatment of LGBTI asylum seekers  KleidoScot

Immigration centre campaigners welcome detention time limit report  The Oxford Times

RICHARD FULLER MP: I back BoS’ campaign to Shut Down Yarl’s Wood  Bedfordshire on Sunday

Prisons inspector backs migrant detention time limit  Politics Home

Call to limit length of migrant detention  The Times

Group backs call to cut immigration detention  The News (Portsmouth)

MSPs object to asylum seeker incarceration times at controversial Strathaven facility  Daily Record (Scotland)

Home Office withdraws Campsfield expansion plan  Cherwell

Nick Clegg’s Q & A: Live Blog  Liberal Democrat Voice  (See Immigration and Asylum section)

Migrants on hunger strike for better conditions at Dungavel  The National (Scotland)

Shock claims of detainee at Portland’s Verne amid staff concerns over training  Dorset Echo

Theresa May urged to investigate Dungavel concerns   Sunday Herald

Labour vows to ban indefinite detention of asylum and immigration applicants  The Guardian

Interview on LBC Radio (below)

Also radio pieces on the inquiry report on BBC 3 Counties (Richard Fuller MP), BBC Oxford, BBC Cambridge, BBC Somerset, BBC Derby, BBC Coventry & Warwickshire (Sarah Teather MP)

Responses and blogs

Sarah Teather MP’s piece for the Huffington Post  It’s Clear That Our Current System of Immigration Detention Isn’t Working

David Burrowes MP’s piece for conservativehome  Immigration detention should no longer be out of sight and out of mind

Paul Blomfield MP’s piece for Labour List   Immigration detention: it’s time for a new approach

Julian Huppert MP’s piece for Liberal Democrat Voice  We must end indefinite detention of immigrants 

SNP’s response

The Detention Forum’s response

Migrants’ Rights Network’s response

Campaigners must now keep up the fight for ambitious detention reforms by Migrants’ Rights Network

The Detention Forum’s piece for openDemocracy

Right to Remain’s response

Detention Action’s response

The Refugee Council’s piece for the Huffington Post

The Refugee Council’s response

Refugee Action’s response

Scottish Refugee Council’s response

Scottish Detainee Visitors’ response

Samphire’s response

UNHCR’s response

International Detention Coalition’s response

JRS UK’s response

Rapar’s response

JCWI’s response

Refugee Action’s storify of the report launch day

BID’s storify of the report launch event

JRS Europe’s response

Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors’ reponse (see news on 3/3/15)

CSAN’s response

Churches Refugee Network response

Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network response

UKLGIG’s response

Bishop Lynch’s response

Rainbow News

Music in Detention’s response

LD4SOS response

Rene Cassin’s response

Campaign to Close Campsfield’s response

Bishop of Croydon’s response

AVID response

Gatwick Detainee Welfare Gropu Response


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